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2018 ICU Meeting Santa Maria Maggiore
04.10.2018 - 2018 Danish Congress in Aalborg
ICU visited Danish colleagues' Congress in Aalborg, Denmark. In the pi...
27.08.2018 - Get your ICU Bagde
Once again ICU will attend the Festival in Santa Maria Maggiore. Make ...

I. Introduction 
The international confederation of chimney sweepers Trade Unions (ICU) is an international association of the European chimney sweeps, trade unions and organisations of chimney sweeps.

II. Statement of the purpose of the organization 
The ICU will support the interests of its members by:
Fostering relations between the individual member trade unions and countries and coordinating the efforts to improve the economic and technical standing of chimneysweeps, including their working conditions.
Conferences & meetings
Holding international conferences to discuss topics of common interest.
Interests of Chimney Sweeps in member countries
Protecting the interests of chimneysweeps through exchange of information and through visits to other member countries.
Strengthening trade union aspirations and individual members in countries in which no trade union organisation for chimneysweeps hitherto exists, and supporting existing trade union organisations of chimneysweeps.
Adopting programs of action as agreed of the Delegates of the ICU Congress for the work of the organisation during the coming period.
III. Statement of the general aims of the ICU 

Health issues
ICU stands for maintaining a safe and healthy workplace and conditions that insure and improve a healthy life for Chimney Sweeps. As various countries offer studies in for example work-life balance ICU supports those studies. It is important to share results and outcomes.
ICU stands for a good training and schooling as well as constant education for each Chimney Sweeps. It is important to evaluate training contents repeatedly to be able to offer the best schooling. ICU stands for the possibility to compare training plans of various countries and in doing so to improve them.
Social Media
ICU stands for using social media (ICU Website and Facebook) to update its members and friends on a regular basis. ICU commits itself to more frequently update statuses and put news on the website. Each country can and should post via the ICU website. Also Facebook is a great help when it comes to immediately reach other Chimney Sweeps all over the world.
Standards for working tasks
It is important to always implement newest technique to accomplish the chimney work tasks in its best way. ICU stands for sharing those informations and helps other countries in even starting an organization for Chimney Sweeps work.

Status of March 2014
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