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04.10.2018 - 2018 Danish Congress in Aalborg
ICU visited Danish colleagues' Congress in Aalborg, Denmark. In the pi...
27.08.2018 - Get your ICU Bagde
Once again ICU will attend the Festival in Santa Maria Maggiore. Make ...
Annual General Meeting

The highest decision-making body of the ICU is the Annual General Meeting. The Annual General Meeting shall be held no later than the end of March each year. This Meeting shall adopt its own agenda and procedural rules. The language of the meeting is always in English, translations can be organized. 

The member organizations shall appoint their respective voting delegates for the Annual General Meeting in accordance with the following rules.
a. fewer than 1,000 members*:              two (2) delegates with voting right
b. 1,001 to 2,000 members*:                  three (3) delegates with voting right
c. More than 2,000 members*:               four (4) delegates with voting right
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